The Power of the Tongue

Letter D

Verse: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."  Proverb 18:21

I know that we have all heard the phrase, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me!"   This phrase is known to have first appeared as a nursery rhyme in 1862 from a publication called The Christian Recorder.  Growing up in the 80's and 90's, this saying was the popular come back to an insult on the playground with classmates.  It was like falsely putting up a front and saying "You didn't hurt me." However, there is not 100% truth in the statement.  Words can and do hurt if they are not the correct words spoken in truth and love.  We all can remember things that were said to us that hurt us at the core of our beings.  Also, all of us if we are honest, can admit that we wished we could take back some of the words that we have spoken in our lifetime.  Just like my favorite illustration of a tube of toothpaste, once out of the tube (mouth) we cannot put all of it back.  We can apologize and ask forgiveness, but we can't fully take words back once they are out in the open.  

Scripture is full of advice and warnings about our speech.  Why?  The answer is that our speech matters.  If others are to see Christ in us, it will be shown in our actions, the way we treat others, and also the way we speak to others.  Our speech comes from the heart and shows our hearts.  (Luke 6:35).  Our speech has a ripple effect on all those that we come in contact with and leaves a lasting impression.  Our words have the power to speak life to others by encouraging them, telling them the truth of God's Word, giving inspiring feedback, showing tender love and care after listening to their problems or concerns, and much more.  Our words can also speak death to others by putting others down, spreading untruth or gossip, giving harsh criticism, slinging insults, hurling names, and much more.  Every time we speak, we either speak life or death.  WOW!  What a responsibility! God knows and demonstrates in this verse that our words bare either good or bad consequences based on obedience to His Word. May we be like David and daily pray that Lord would let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in His sight (from Psalm 19:14).

The following are biblical questions that we (myself included) need to ask ourselves about our speech:

1) Does my speech build others up or does it tear others down? (Ephesians 4:29)
2) What is the tone of my speech? (Colossians 4:6)
3) Do I answer back from a heart of love or a heart of anger? (Proverb 15:1)
4) Am I quicker to hear or to speak? (James 1:19)
5) Do I answer back rashly or do I take time to let my words go through the filter of His Spirit? (Proverbs 15:28)
6) Do I speak the truth and do so in love? (Ephesians 4:15)

Lord, today I ask that you help me and all Your children to be a testimony in our speech.  Forgive us for the times when our words and actions betray the living out of our calling for You.  Help us to show You to the world through consistent speech that is godly.  Help us to speak life to others and be mindful not to participate in gossip and put downs of others.  Help us to have loving tones and hearts that ripple Your love to the world.  Help us to rely on Your strength to tame our tongues.  Thanks so much for Your Word and the truth it speaks.  Amen.
