Serving God Means Serving Others

Letter E

Verse: "Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many."  Matthew 20:28

Today is Palm Sunday which is part of the week in which Christ Jesus endured to fully fulfil the mission for why He came from Heaven to earth in a human form while being 100% God.  Christ comes through the streets of Jerusalem on a lowly donkey, while the crowd yells out "Hosanna in the highest, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.  (Matthew 21:9)"
The crowd was yelling out "Save us now."  However what they wanted was a political king to save them in the political world, providing peace.  Christ came for much more.  He came to show us of the Father's love.  He came to show us complete obedience and yeilding to the Father's will.  He came to show the world that He indeed was the Messiah, Son of God.  He came to bear the weight of the sins of the world in His body physically and mentally.  He came to willingly offer His sinless body as a human sacrifice to pay for the judgment of man's sins and give them the same power over the sting of death, as He would soon not only die but rise again. 

A little earlier than this Palm Sunday event is where today's verse comes from.  Jesus took His disciples to try to explain to them what was going to happen to Him so that they would not be surprised at His death, burial, and resurrection.  It was a lot for them to take in, but Jesus was sharing His heart.  In the midst of this event, the mother of two of the disciples asked that her sons be honored to sit at the right and the left hand of Christ in glory.  Jesus again takes time to lovingly teach that His ways are not that of the world.  The world says to get honor, fame, riches.  The world says to put yourself first and push down those that stand in your way.  The world teaches us to always think and question whether we are being served.  That is not the teaching of Christ.  Christ Jesus explains that to be first, you must put yourself last.  The greatest is the one who is the least, and the servant of all.  Sounds much different.  But it is truth.  Our sinful nature naturally thinks of self first.  Sin is all about "I." The yielding obedience and heart of God is to serve others first.  That is what Jesus lived His life on earth doing.  He healed the sick, provided food and needs, loved on children, washed the disciples feet, and much more while not even having a home to call His own.  Not only that, He selflessly gave His life for our saving redemption to be forgiven and enter into Heaven.  What a Savior!

Let us determine in our minds and hearts, with the help of Christ, to serve others above ourselves.  In doing so, we will be serving God by obediently serving others.  Below are some ideas to serve others.  Of course, some of these will have to wait for after the need of social distancing is removed.  

1) Pray for the needs of others, letting others know that you are praying for them.
2) Help others complete needed errands.
3) Write a thank you letter or letter of encouragement.
4) Buy or make someone lunch.
5) Notice someone in a crowd/event that is by themselves and sit with them to help them feel included.
6) Promote and give credit to someone's positive awesome ideas.
7) Send a care package to a missionary or to the troops.
8) Let someone go ahead of you in line.
9) Offer to babysit for a family for free so that the parents can have some alone time.
10) Listen for times to insert encouraging, sincere, compliments to others.
12) Place an encouraging message on someone's facebook or social media feed.
13) Leave money in a vending machine or a parking meter for someone.
14) Give a ride to an elderly person in need to get to their appointments.
15) Let others speak before you do.
16) Pick up liter at a local park, public street, etc.
17) Bring donuts, baked goods, breakfast, etc for those at your place of work.
18) Offer up your seat to someone who does not have one while at areas waiting.
19) Give anonymously.
20) Leave compliment with a tip for the server.
