Whiter Than Snow

Letter C

Verse:  "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."

One of my favorite sights to see in the winter is that of the red cardinals eating from the birdfeeders in my backyard.  Their bright red color contrasts so beautifully with the whiteness of the snow.  Then, the Lord quickly reminds me of the truth of this passage of Scripture and all that the Lord in mercy, grace, and love has done for me.  As a second grade child, I was guilty under the weight of my sin.  My relationship with God was separated due to my sin because, unlike God, I was far from perfect.  Just as in a court case, there must be an agreement and clearing of the account.  In this case the account that needed clearing was of myself before God.  I am thankful for my chapel teachers, my Sunday School teacher, and leaders in bus ministry that explained to me how to settle the account, accepting the Lord to make the payment for my debt of sin.  In between Sunday School and the start of Junior Chapel, I asked the Lord Jesus to forgive me of my sin as He was the One and Only Way to enter Heaven to be with Him.  At that moment, my sin debt (past, present, and future) which was as scarlet was made as white as snow before Him.  The payment for my sin was taken care of in the blood of Jesus on the cross of Calvary.  Just as He rose again from the dead, my old sin nature died with Him, and the Spirit of God within me entered in to give a new life on earth and the promise of Heaven to live forever with Him beyond this earthly life.  While I still sin and displease God daily, there is comfort to know that my account is settled.  My relationship with Him is secure.  While my sin puts riffles in my relationship with Him, He restores that for the asking.  He continues to teach me lessons from the mistakes.  And there is nothing that I can do that will separate me from His love and forgiveness.  He holds me in the palm of His hand, and claims me as His child.  What a beautiful picture we have here in Scripture of what the Lord gives us for the asking.  It is such a comfort to know that Lord sees sinful me as white as snow, and works in me to show the change of life in Him to others for His glory.  

The following is a quote from Beth Moore in a book that I was reading today.  It fits perfectly:

"Anything we are and anything we have that is whiter than snow comes from Christ alone. I have lived long enough to sin against many people. I have sought forgiveness from those God has brought to mind. I've been forgiven many times, but no one could make me clean. No one except Jesus, whose dazzling glories are whiter than anything in the world."

How about you?  Is your account of sin settled with the Lord?  Do you know for sure that if you would die today that you go to Heaven?  

If YES, take time today to praise God for what He has done for you.  Better yet, share your testimony of Christ with others.

If NO, you can do so today.  How?  It is easy.

1) Admit to God that you have sinned.  You have said, done, and thought things that are not perfect, are wrong, and displease Him.  (Romans 3:23) (Romans 3:10)
2) Believe that Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and rose again for you to make the acceptable payment for your sin. (Romans 5:8) (Romans 6:23)
3) Confess with your mouth your belief.  Call to the Lord in prayer.  Prayer is just simply talking to God. The words are not as important as the change of heart.  Tell the Lord that you know you have sinned, you believe that Jesus was your sin payment substitution, and ask Him to come into your heart and life.  He promises to save you from your sin, making your sin as white as snow.  He promises as His child to give you an eternal home in heaven.  (Romans 10:9)
