God's Word--Manna for the Heart and Soul

It has been quite awhile since I have written a blog.  In fact, this is a new blog fresh under a new title.  I write today from home while schools have been cancelled and life momentarily is not the same due to keeping the COVID-19 virus at bay.  I miss my middle school students as a teacher of mathematics for 16 years.  However, more than anything in the midst of the virus storm, the Lord has laid on my heart fresh that more than anything my gift for teaching and writing is a gift to be used for what matters most, and that is the spreading and teaching of His Word.

I read a Facebook post about a week ago from a person making a comparison of the way that some have hoarded items in the midst of the virus pandemic to that of the Israelites.  I wish that I still had that post handy to give the author of those thoughts credit.  God intended to show the Israelites that they were to rely on Him day by day for their daily needs.  He sent manna from heaven daily each morning, except the morning of the Sabbath.  Each family was to gather enough for that day only.  If it was the day before the Sabbath, then they were to gather enough for their families for two days, as the Sabbath was for rest.  Anything that they hoarded past their need rotted away.  They were to trust the One and Only God to provide for them daily.  This was the same God that knew them personally, Who rescued them from Egypt miraculously, and Who promised His presence to get them to the Promised Land.  (Exodus 16)

This same God is the God Who stands on the throne today.  He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever.  (Hebrews 13:8)  We are to trust in Him for our needs and cast them upon Him.  He cares for us.  More importantly, make it personal, He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7).  There is nothing wrong with taking precautions and getting items that we truly need, while trusting that God cares and will too take care of us.  In a time of need, He longs to show Himself all the more to us, as we look to Him.  As human kind, remember the importance of putting others needs before our own and taking care of those in need at the same time.  "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves." (Philippians 2:3)

Just as God provided manna in the wilderness to His children, Jesus Himself is the Bread of Life.  In John 6:35 Jesus said, "...I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me shall never thirst."  More than anything, He and His Word are the most important daily bread that we can trust, long for, full up on, and feast upon.  This blog will have a feast of one verse of Scripture a day in alphabetical order with a small amount of personal teaching.  God's Word provides morsels of manna for the heart and soul.  Just as one learns their ABC's letter by letter, God's morsels of manna are to be built on precept upon precept and line by line. (Isaiah 28:10)

Until tomorrow...Starting with a verse that begins with "A."
