Counting Blessings

Letter B

Verse:  "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.  Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:1-2

Often times as humans when in the midst of hard times, or in times when things are not going our way, we are quick to focus on the problem at hand.  In doing so we forget the things that are good.  I, myself, can relate to the statement above and am often guilty of focusing on the problem, rather than seeing all the positives.  Truth is that we have been greatly blessed by a loving God.  How God longs for us to count our blessings that He has given.  He gives perfect gifts to His children.  Imagine getting the perfect gift for a loved one and not only them not appreciating it, but not even bothering to open it.  How sad that would make us.  I imagine God feels the same when we fail to open up His gifts, by forgetting all that He has given.  Then, in turn, failing to bless His name in thanks for those things.  Not to mention, all blessings He gives are undeserved, given in His perfect character of love, mercy, and grace.

David had been through many hard times and struggles in his calling to be the next king of God's people.  His calling was not a bed of roses.  He fled for his life, spent time in caves, and much more.  However, he was never alone.  God was with him.  David spends time here in Psalm 103 writing about just some of the many blessings of God.  The following lists some of the blessings that he mentions:
v.3--God forgives ALL our sin
v.4--God treats us with mercy and lovingkindness
v.6--God knows those that have been wronged and is the only righteous judge who will take of things in His correct way
v.8--God is patient with us, slow to anger, abundant in mercy
v.10--God does not treat us as our sinful imperfections and disobedience deserve
v.12--God not only forgives our sins, but He forgets them and does not hold them against us 
v.18--He perfectly keeps His promises to us

Wow!  What a list!  Thank you, Lord, for Your goodness and mercy.  Help me and Your children not to be slow to forget all that You have done.  Forgive us at times for not being as grateful and appreciative as we should.

I had a Christian mentor that inspired me to make a praise journal, keeping a running list of blessings from God.  It was awesome practice that over time I have left and should begin again to make a commitment to start anew.  So today, I share my list with you.

At the present time I have a home with the company of a mom and dad that are still married.  I have a wonderful dog who fills my heart with love, snuggles, and laughter.  Soon we are to have dinner, which means there is food on the table.  Technology has been present through the social distancing to help me keep contact with friends and coworkers, to help teach my students and even other students who need math help apart from a classroom, to help worship the Lord in online church services, and to share His Word and prayers for others.  This week I have had extra time to rest from the hustle and bustle of normal routine, and personally I feel that physical body needed it.  I went through my closet and found many pieces of clothing to donate, which means that I still have a closet full of clothing. I have a job teaching Algebra that has been my dream for years.  God continues to take the things in my past and use them as part of the growth and training to move forward in the present even stronger. This is a just a small list of items to add to those blessings that David mentioned which also apply. 

I challenge you this Lord day to make your own list of blessings to praise the Lord with, and share His goodness with others. 
